Having just lost a campaign for a “no” vote on my union CFA’s tentative agreement with the California State University by 75 to 25 percent, it is too easy to feel deflated and go back to the …
There are lessons to be learned by crossing the pond. England's National Health Service used to be cited as proof that so-called "socialized medicine" works for everyone, regardless of their means. …
For the head of a municipal union like the Organization of Staff Analysts (OSA), crafting a successful contract that satisfies your members in many ways depends not on the big-ticket items but your …
Remember the good old days before neighborhoods like Park Slope were besmirched by the upgrade called "gentrification,” whose Generation FU "royals,” using "manifest destiny" fueled by racial …
In 2016 Trump said “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?” On Jan. 6, 2021, he tried to overthrow the government and now the Supreme …
One of the root causes of incarceration in America is the lack of education, which can create substantial difficulty in finding meaningful employment and also result in increased poverty and even …
Episcopal priests, though married with children, can become Roman Catholic priests who ordinarily are sworn to celibacy and bachelorhood. Do other Catholic priests begrudge this? Are they jealous? Do …
Now that it seems Donal Trump has the Republican nomination locked up, who will he pick as his running mate? Will he go “normal” (at least for him)? Will he go rogue? Will he go for someone from …
To achieve peace between warring factions, whether on the geopolitical stage or in labor-management conflicts, balanced judgment is essential. But is it the same thing as moral equivalence? Is the …
What can rank and file union members do when our union betrays us? How do we fight the boss when our union won’t either because it signs sweetheart deals, collaborates with the boss, derails …
Whether you like Donald Trump or not, and clearly most New York politicians don’t, it is obvious that Trump Derangement Syndrome has infected many of our city and state elected officials’ ability …
On Jan. 23, Sergeant Erik Duran, 36, a 14-year NYPD veteran with an exemplary record was charged in the Bronx for the crimes of assault in the first and second degrees, manslaughter and criminally …
C'mon, we're among friends here, so we can say what all know to be true: that the City Council's How Many Stops bill, some version of which will become law after the Council’s override of Mayor …
With his win in both the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary, Donald Trump is clearly the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party for 2024. Never mind the pathological lying, the …
Last November, Mayor Adams proposed a massive $6 billion cut to city funding. He scapegoated immigrants forcibly trafficked to New York City by the governors of Texas and Florida, blaming a budget …
The New York City Managerial Employees Association (MEA) advocates for New York City managers who are not included in New York State Taylor Law collective bargaining agreements with the City of New …
Kudos to Mayor Adams for vetoing Intro 586-A, a bill introduced by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams and supported by an overwhelming majority of City Council members that would require NYPD officers …
Were it not for my close relative securing a problematic pension for the mother of my high school math teacher, I would have failed his class and missed graduation. A quid pro quo can work wonders. …
We are admonished to beware of "slippery slopes,” the implication being that at the bottom of the slide, disaster awaits. But slippery slopes can be serendipitous. If, for instance, a supermarket …
A recent article in The Chief reported on an 18.5-percent increase in assau,lts on NYPD officers last yeark with police union officials denouncing “liberal criminal-justice laws” (“Felony …
All this feeds — especially among our youth — a hopelessness about the future and the ability to live and enjoy a meaningful life. It should not be a surprise that a significant portion of people …
I am a movie buff, and find it humorous when life imitates art. A scene from “Sweet Home Alabama” comes to mind, and that’s when Melanie's former husband Jake meets her prospective husband …
The fine line between inflammatory rhetoric and sweet talk is best clarified by a fine labor contract. And a union stands tall with proud posture when it calls out the posturing of management. And …
Although I do not make new year’s resolutions, I do set goals. My goals this year are focused on the workers movement. If we are going to build on the momentum of the labor movement over the past …
"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.” It's worse than that. Janis nailed the song, but Freedom Foundation owns the omen. If this misnomer organization gets its way, …