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Marking 9/11 Anniversary At Fire Memorial: ‘This One’s About Us’

Posted 9/14/15

The annual Sept. 11 commemoration at the Firemen’s Memorial is a quiet affair. Though thousands of firefighters typically attend the gathering at West 100th St. and Riverside Drive, there are no speeches; the ceremony begins and ends with a prayer, and the rest consists almost entirely of the reading of 343 names.

At least 20 of those names were dear to Ladder Co. 37 Firefighter Laurie Galioto. They were his brothers in the firehouse and the neighborhood kids he grew up with in the Throggs Neck section of The Bronx, a blue-collar area with plenty of cops and firefighters. Each of the 20 friends Mr. Galioto remembered had rushed into the Twin Towers that day in 2001 and never emerged.

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