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To the editor:

This is not 1840s Baltimore or 1930s Nazi Germany. People have the fight to vote for the candidate of their choice, to be undecided, write-in a candidate or not vote at all. Whatever decision one makes about voting is not anyone else's business. Being undecided does not make one mentally defective (“For the undecided,” letters, The Chief, Sept. 27). 

I need more information on Kamala Harris than she was a district attorney, state's attorney or U.S. senator. Conviction rate? Important investigations? Voting record in the Senate?

The organization Black Lives Matter, which couldn't have more motivation to see a Harris presidency, issued a statement objecting to her "anointing" without a fair primary election. Frequent contributor Howard Elterman put it beautifully a while back: "the American political system is bankrupt," and while an oversimplification I essentially agree. Stop telling me what to do.

Speaking of Howard Elterman, kudos for his outstanding "Harris Vacillates" (Letters, The Chief, Sept. 27) and for having the courage to say Israel is not the sainted martyred do-gooder of the Middle East everyone makes her out to be.

And to Joseph Cannisi: a recession is the natural cycle of our economy (“Fake news,” letters, The Chief, Sept. 27). A recession doesn't just happen. It takes a year to two years for conditions leading to recession to come to fruition. The recession early in Reagan's presidency began in 1980, under a Democrat. The recession early in Bush 43's term began in 2000, under a Democrat. There were also recessions in 1937 and 1949, under a Democrat.

Nat Weiner


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  • reenjoe

    It's convenient that you fail to address lower GDP and employment growth under GOP Administrations or higher crime rates in GOP lead states, both cited in "Fake News". Calling recession a "natural cycle" or something that takes time is an excuse. The two worst recessions in modern history took place years into GOP leadership - 1987 & 2007. Both were the direct result of years of "supply-side" economic policies.

    1987 saw the largest ever one-day losses on Wall St. It also saw the collapse of over 700 Savings and Loan banks because lending and investment rules on S&L's were eliminated. Additionally, investment firms were allowed to avoid fiduciary responsibilities and to profit off risking their clients' money.

    2007, the Great Recession, was worse. All the rules regarding risk and investment were lifted and we saw the advent of "Collateralized Debt Obligations" a fancy name for bundling junk, sub-prime mortgages and "Credit Default Swaps" another fancy term for loading those junk CBO's on an investment firm, then taking out an insurance policy (CDS) that was guaranteed to payout once the firms failed. Lehman Brothers and Bear Sterns comes to mind.

    In both recessions taxpayers footed the bill and millions of working-class Americans lost their jobs and homes, something that NEVER happened when Democrats held the reins.

    3 days ago Report this

  • krell1349

    The Democrats always straighten out the damage republicans do. Harris is the logical choice. Trump will give us 4 years of chaos, insanity and lies. .He's incoherent now. His VP candidate lied at the debate while smiling. He's a smooth operator. Don't let Trump and Vance fool you. Vote for Harris.

    Yesterday at 8:11 AM Report this