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Project 2025 is a recipe for autocracy


If you saw The Twilight Zone episode entitled “To Serve Man,” I remind you to take heed and “don’t get on that ship” with Donald Trump.

In this episode, which originally aired in 1962, the Kanamits are visitors from outer space. They appear friendly and leave a book at the United Nations written in the Kanamit language and promise the people of Earth peace and prosperity while sharing their avant-garde technology, which provides an inexpensive source of energy and a force field that acts as an invisible border wall.

Decoding experts with the American government investigate the book and can only decipher its title to be “To Serve Man.” But it turns out the book is neither altruistic nor without an ulterior motive, but instead a cookbook in which human beings are to become a source of food for Kanamit consumption.

Despite Trump’s total disregard for half of America and his hypnotic manipulation of the other half, on July 18 at the Republican National Convention he promised “to deliver a government that serves the American people.”

Whether you are a Trump supporter or not, the American people will never be served by Trump, rather they are and will be served to him.

Trump has deceived and exploited his followers, capitalizing on their wide-eyed gullibility. Eventually many of them will be consumed as fodder for his political survival, either financially through his grifting or by them committing crimes to benefit Trump and ultimately losing their freedom. They are part of the far right pabulum that will continue to be served to Trump on a silver platter as nourishment to sustain and gratify his gluttonous appetite for power and control and unquenchable thirst for praise and adulation.

“In life, we are either kings or pawns; emperors and fools” is a quote attributed to Napoleon. And Mark Twain proclaimed, “It’s easier to fool people than convince them they have been fooled.”

Like “the late, great Hannibal Lecter” Trump is a political cannibal who has and will continue to devour his adherents for his own narcissistic survival.

And in an uncanny coincidence Trump, like the Kanamit, also promises peace, prosperity, energy independence and a border wall.

At a rally Trump declared “I will prevent World War III” and said the Russian invasion of Ukraine would not have occurred if he were president. I submit his foreign policy didn’t bring peace because much of it is responsible for today’s conflict in eastern Europe. He promised prosperity but that was realized only by those already wealthy.

And Trump’s panacea of “drill, baby drill” will not create an inexpensive source of energy, it will only transform rich oil tycoons into American oligarchs and degrade America’s environment and destroy habitats, wildlife and ecosystems, all of which could also result in undrinkable water and poor air quality.

And an invisible border wall, well, that’s Trump’s holy grail.

Both the Kanamit and Trump are pathological liars. Yet, the Kanamit easily pass a polygraph test administered by humans and similarly Trump easily passes the MAGA polygraph test, whatever that is, and both are perceived as truthful and benevolent by many.

To pursue Trump’s insatiable appetite for more power, Project 2025 seeks to give more authority to the president should Trump win. Its clear mission is not to support the United States but to “support the next conservative president” and force-feed far right conservative dogma down the throats of Americans.

Hidden behind the facade of saving America and with autocratic ambitions obscured by conservative philosophy, Project 2025 would allow Trump to dismantle the federal administration by controlling independent agencies like the Department of Justice, eliminating the Department of Education and replacing career civil servants and non-partisan experts with Trump loyalists, in effect creating a federal work force of “Stepford Wives” all devoted and wedded to Trump in ideological matrimony. It seeks to eliminate diversity, equity and inclusion programs and it would implement ultra-conservative policies under the guise of returning to a family-centered America.

And add the yeast of Christian nationalism to the recipe and a fascist theocracy rises up in America.

In 1986, while debating censorship on a CNN show called “Crossfire,” musician Frank Zappa said, “The biggest threat to America today is not communism, it’s moving America toward a fascist theocracy and everything that’s happened during the Reagan administration is steering us right down that pipe.” Zappa described a fascist theocracy as, “when you have a government that prefers a certain moral code derived from a certain religion and that moral code turns into legislation to suit one certain religious point of view.”

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, fascism is “a political philosophy, movement or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.”

And the dictionary defines a theocracy as “government of a state by immediate divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided.” 

Afghanistan, Iran, Vatican City, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia and Yemen are all theocracies. 

Trump’s objectives and desires are not to serve Americans, instead they are self-centered. He’s on a nihilistic quest to regain the presidency to stay out of prison, become an oppressive strongman, seek retribution against his perceived enemies and enrich himself.

And like “To Serve Man,” Project 2025 is a cookbook full of tyrannical recipes that feed Trump sycophants all-you-can-eat propaganda and eliminates truth and democracy from their diet. Having lost both the craving for truth and taste for democracy, they can be easily served to Trump and eaten alive by the constant gnawing of their mind and be consumed like so many others throughout history who became enamored with emperors and fascists.

“Sooner or later, we’ll all of us be on the menu, all of us.”


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