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Inartful dodger


To the editor:

With more men saying they will vote for Donald Trump, I don’t know why Kamala Harris and Tim Walz don’t exploit Trump’s greatest vulnerability for men. Trump is a coward. Men don’t respect cowards.

How do we know that Trump is a coward? He’s a bully, that is obvious, and bullies are cowards. Like all cowards, he gets others (like the Proud Boys) to do his dirty work. 

Donald Trump dodged the military draft and yet he calls war heroes suckers and losers. He said he didn’t respect John McCain because he was captured, that he respected soldiers who were not captured. Why does Trump need to call war heroes suckers, even as he stood among the graves at Arlington National Cemetery?  

Why did Trump say he never wanted to be present in the company of wounded warriors whom he called losers? Trump needs to call war heroes suckers because if he showed respect for them it would contrast dramatically with his own cowardly and corrupt life. 

Trump is not just a self-centered sociopath; he’s a coward, and this should be the message to all those macho men who say they will vote for Trump.   

Michael J. Gorman

The writer is a Vietnam War veteran.  


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