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Rampant culpability


To the editor:

Michael Gorman’s "Terms of Surrender" letter (The Chief, June 14) overlooks one issue. That is the reason there's a chance that Donald Trump could return to the White House and exact revenge on U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Garland was so slow at having the Justice Department bring indictments against Trump that none happened until last year and he still has not been indicted for the January 6 insurrection. If Garland had acted faster, then Trump might already be well into serving a lengthy jail sentence.

If Garland is prosecuted by a Trump Justice Department, it could be argued that Garland's slothfulness made it possible.

Joseph Cannisi's "Crash-test dummies" letter in the same issue highlights the widespread problem of many humans. People tend not to seek out facts, but believe what they wish to believe. Often, the people who know the least about politics are the ones who express their opinions in the most aggressive manner.

People will google to research products they might buy, but not political candidates or issues. The Trumpsters are the worst, but Democrats are not immune to this.

How else do you explain the choice of Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders in 2016? It was Sanders, not Clinton, who represented the values Democrats claim to represent. Many expressed a desire to elect the first woman president, regardless of the lack of quality of the candidate.

I will vote to re-elect President Joe Biden partly because his domestic policy has been good in many areas. His war-mongering foreign policy is awful. But voting for Biden is self-defense against living under dictator Trump.

Richard Warren


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