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To the editor:
President Donald Trump couldn’t help himself, and after asking for prayer for the families of all those who died in the D.C. plane crash over the Potomac River, he segued into a diatribe against DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) efforts. Trump clearly implied the diversity efforts lowered standards and were to blame for the deadly crash.
When challenged, Trump said it was common sense. There is no evidence that lower standards in the Federal Aviation Administration exist, or had anything to do with the cause of this crash, but Trump, the liar in chief, couldn’t care less that what he says is racist poppycock. When Trump gets an opportunity to spew racist and conspiratorial rhetoric, he goes for it.
Trump’s lack of respect for the truth, and his political success in using lies to create a cult of supporters who raised him to his second presidency, is reminiscent of the 1930s traitorous German-American bunds, summer camps for youth, and bookstore propaganda (all based on anti-American lies). These strategies were used in the late 1930s to support the Nazi goals and buttress Hitler and fascism and make America a mixed drink of white supremacy, fascist ideology and American nationalism.
With Trump as president, it will be a long, extremely divisive four years, and a peaceful democracy may not be in our future.
Michael J. Gorman
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Trump is to common sense what Edith Bunker is to singing.
Wednesday, February 5 Report this
Trump's DEI rant reminded me of the speech given by Propaganda Minister Herr Garbitsch (pronounced garbage) at the end of Charlie Chaplin's spoof of Nazism "The Great Dictator". Garbitsch says "Today, democracy, liberty and equality are words to fool the people. No nation can progress with such ideas. They stand in the way of action. Therefore, we frankly abolish them".
Trump justifies abolishing DEI using the same depraved logic.
Thursday, February 6 Report this
Reenjoe, the Chaplin propaganda speech line is right on point for the situation we faee today. The public has to recognize the dire situation and react very strongly.
Friday, February 7 Report this