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To the editor:

A recent letter (“Character comeback,” The Chief, July 26) suggests that the assassination attempt on Donald Trump “revealed his character.” Sadly, we know this character all too well.  Trump proved in his acceptance speech that he is the same man he has always been. 

He’s the guy who cheated kids with a fake university, plundered a sham “charitable” foundation and let the world know how little he thinks of women.  

Trump is the same man who sexually assaulted and defamed an American journalist and illegally wrote off hush money to conceal a sexual encounter with a porn star. He is the person who pressured state legislators and a secretary of state to commit election fraud and incited anger for months by spreading a B.S. story of election theft that he knew to be false.  

Trump is the same man that stole, hid, lied about and shared some of our nation’s most sensitive classified documents.  

He is the guy that called a mob to D.C., inflamed that mob with his lies, turned them against his own vice president and sent them “to the Capitol” knowing full well that the crowd was in a very ugly mood and that many were armed. And, Trump is a whiner who still can’t man-up and say “I lost.”

What is revealing is that so many Americans know all of the above, yet still need to be reminded.  Take off your rose-colored glasses. Trump, a twice-impeached and twice-convicted reprobate, isn’t the savior of Western Civilization. He is the embodiment of its vices: greed, misogyny, arrogance, racism, cruelty and more. What a character! 

Joseph Cannisi


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  • wpeakes

    @Joseph Cannisi

    He is also the same person who dismantled our pandemic rapid response mechanisms and knew in advance that COVID was deadly. The effect on millions of Americans is/was an untold number of unnecessary deaths and long-term, unidentifiable ailments and a hit to our economy that we will never fully recover from.

    Thursday, August 1, 2024 Report this