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The problem is that Trump supporters do not view their 2016, 2020 and so-to-be 2024 votes for him as acts of stupidity or wrong in any way. They know and accept all of Trump's faults - his lying, bullying, disrespect for the military, dictatorial tendencies, etc. But, Trump supporters believe ends justify means. One half wants to establish Christian rule. The other half wants a White America and both halves will support anyone who promises to deliver on these goals, period. Trump voters even accept that Trump, himself, is stupid. He can't complete a simple sentence, altered a hurricane path map with a sharpie, asked his lead Covid doctors on live TV whether disinfectant can be ingested, he flip-flopped first praising, then condemning only to once again praise neo-Nazis in Virginia. What highlights Trump's stupidity, over and over again, is his not knowing when to shut up. Only idiots keep digging when they find themselves in a hole; Trump gets a bigger shovel. Hillary Clinton was wrong to call Trump supporters "a basket of deplorables". She would have been entirely correct had she said all too many Trump supporters take pride in acting deplorably.

From: Stupid as stupid does

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