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@Thomas Curley

Trump did nothing to create the economy that he inherited from Obama and, in fact, tried his best to erase all signs of his predecessor. Where's the beautiful health care plan? He dismantled the apparatus in place to mitigate the effects of a nationwide health emergency. How about infrastructure week? Now show me how those indefinite tax cuts to the wealthy have paid for themselves. Full Republican control of both chambers of Congress and no immigration legislation. Tariffs to China that hurt American farmers so bad that he had to pay them to keep their loyalty. The list goes on and on. I'll also remind you that private industry is solely responsible for the cost of housing, goods, and services...not the government. I mean, after all, they have to keep their profit margin high even if it means off-shoring good paying jobs here in the USA to cheaper labor and materials markets overseas. If you want to complain about the cost of living, let's start there. As usual, defenders of the former president easily overlook privatization of profits and socialization to taxpayers of costs. It's the reason why some companies pay their employees so poorly that they qualify for SNAP (food stamps) and Medicaid. Yes, we are better of than four years ago because now we know how much damage we avoided by voting for President Biden who cares about what happens to all of us, not just the well-off and, once again, it will take a Democrat to repair the damage of a Republican presidency and, as with many things, the repair will not happen as quickly as the damage.

From: Are you better off?

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