Take it from someone who has worked there, the FDNY is praised as hero's by what the media shows us but inside it's a discriminatory spectacle. Prejudice, bigotry and racism is alive and kicking in the NYC Fire Department - in BOTH directions. The Bureau of Fire Prevention is predominately black and with a few other minority groups. You'll be lucky to find a handful of white Inspectors in that prejudice department of 800 Inspectors. Just look at the recent promotions ceremony. Over 50 people promoted which only 3 were white. During the pre union / pre-vaccine Covid layoffs after Deblasio budget cuts, that unit fired ONLY white Inspectors. And those five bills signed November 28, 2022 - HAAA. Wasn't that a joke. I reached out to 10 top ranking officials in both the FDNY and city Counsil including the Fire Commissioner herself and Mayor Adams and no one got back to me. Don't let the smiling faces, hugs and handshakes fool you. NYC civil service bases it hiring practices on ethnic background and age. College, experience and hard work are far behind us and ended in the 1990's.
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