A voice for workers
JULY 10, 2024
Our top stories

City's crime rate dipped in first 6 months

Major crimes declined citywide through the first half of the year, with killings and shootings in particular showing marked drops, according to recent NYPD statistics.  Through June, homicides … MORE

New head of the detectives union pledges to meet 'tough' challenge

Scott Munro, the new head of the Detective Endowment Association, is unbowed before the challenges facing his union.  Top of the to-do pile for the 32-year NYPD cop, who ascended to the


DOE watchdog finds that 16 submitted fake vax cards

Sixteen current and former city educators deliberately submitted fake Covid-19 vaccination cards, according to an investigation by the independent watchdog for the city's Department of … MORE

Contractors, construction unions pushing mental health reforms

Workers in the construction trade commit suicide at a higher rate than those in any other major industry group , except mining, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Faced with that sobering … MORE

Comptroller, AG push for protections for immigrant workers in labor investigations

A coalition of more than two dozen state and local government agencies, among them the State Attorney General’s Office and the City Comptroller’s Office, are urging the U.S. Department of … MORE

Bronx public defenders set strike date

Workers at The Bronx Defenders say they’ll be walking out on strike the morning of July 22 if they’re unable to reach a deal with management within the next two weeks. The attorneys, paralegals, … MORE


MAD for all

To the editor: For those retirees who worked for the NYC government and oppose the Medicare Advantage plan Mayor Eric Adams et al are trying to push — a conservative administration under Donald … MORE


To the editor: I'm glad UFT President Michael Mulgrew withdrew his support for forcing city retirees from real Medicare to a Medicare Advantage plan. But I believe that this is not because he's had … MORE


Mayor, keep the city’s promises to its retirees

Once again, Mayor Eric Adams has chosen to overlook critical facts and components of the Retirees’ Medicare Advantage program he so strongly endorses. Material misrepresentations must not be … MORE

Insider traitoring

Believe your lying eyes. Just this once. Please? Our federal legislators, though elected, shouldn’t consider themselves the divine “elect.” Yet it seems they are the truly “elect” above us, … MORE

As NYC construction activity climbs, so do worker injuries

With economic fallout from the 2020 pandemic largely behind us, the construction sector is experiencing a much-needed resurgence across the country. According to a Deloitte Center for Integrative … MORE

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